Jialong Ou’s Parents

Jialong joined Global Art Dublin California since he was 5 years old. When he started the class, he did not even really know how to hold a pencil. However, the principal, Ms Lisa, has been so patient to teach him step-by-step following the standard guideline of Global Art to let Jialong learn the very foundation of drawing. Ms.Claudia who is very friendly joined and started teaching Jialong too. After attending Global Art, drawing has become an important part of Jialong’s life. He can be alone and focus on his drawing & coloring. It’s amazing to see your kid found something he loves and concentrate on it. Jialong learned a lot of drawing techniques and has basic concepts of an artwork from the class. You could easily tell how and what it’s different from his artworks. Not only my kid but also we as parents enjoy Global Art and would like to highly recommend this awesome art class to parents who are looking for an art class for their children.